The Ministry of External Affairs has set up a control room. The phone numbers are: 91-11-23015300, 23012113, 23013537.
The fax number is 91-11-23018158.
Taj helpline numbers: 022 - 66574322, 66574372, 1800111825. Oberoi helpline number: 011-23890606
Helpline Numbers:
91-11-2389 0606 ( Mumbai Help Hotline )
0207 632 3035 ( For Indains in UK)
0207 008 0000 ( Brittish Foreign Office)
Hospital Contacts :
Blood needed at these places urgently :
Donate Blood/Looking for Blood -922 222 1947
JJ Hospital +91 22 23739031
St George's Hospital - +91 22 22620240
I will keep posting other important information. Please pray for those dead , may their soul rest in peace.