"Dyspepsia", "07442504685", "Deep's Fitness Club", "The Prometheus Deception", "Fundamentals of Quantitative Aptitude Part-2", "A"..
BEMUSED ?? Chillax.. These seemingly weird and unrelated words represent a piecewise and a overabriged report of my stay at home from 2nd June 2007 to '______July 2007" (Let it be blank, and pray for me that the value that fills this is less than or equal to the square root of the LCM(4*5,8*5*10). Let’s elucidate upon these bizarre keywords or rather the penultimate bastions of my 'BOREDOM'. If you ask me two words that best describe my life from 2nd June 2007 to '_________ July 2007' (plzz...less than or equal to 5!/3!) are :
Here I (i don’t believe in aggrandizing my SELF, so its 'i' not 'I') go..
'DYSPEPSIA'- It was my pleasure that it was introduced to this strange sounding word , which has a 'BIG BRAND', endorsed by many, in its name (PEPSI!!),by my very own DAD. But little did i anticipate that the 'DYS'and 'IA' at the end of this BRAND-0-philic word would affect my life so much. I had been honored by a place called 'LOO' (which i rarely visited uninterestingly before !) or rather awarded. a full-fledged package which includes '3-4' luxury visits, '3-4' spoons of a so-called 'ELIXIR' (as the doc said) which seems to be very indifferent towards me, and '8-9' sweet miniscule tablets which had a curing-effect similar to their size. So a visit to this very holy place was scheduled for me after every dose of my 'life-saving', mineral-rich diet which included 'Dalia', "Khichdi' and 'CURD'(without salt and pepper).
To prevent making this part of my experience emetic and soporific, lets move on to the next milestone '07442504685...
'07442504685'- Dont worry its not my Swiss Bank Account password!! These 11 magical digits form the username of my ultra-fast 'DIAL-UP INTERNET' from BSNL..and the password which is much 'COVETED' by many of my friends and family members too..A ray of hope emerged from the low lying horizon of my life..that this would serve as an 'ANTI-ENNUI' drug for me.. But alas!! and to nobody's surprise, it was soon notified to me in the form of a dialog box saying "Password could not be verified or the remote server is not responding !!".. I also don't respond to such messages thrown away at me and at the bubble at the bottom right corner indicating a mere '4.8 KBPS'.. I go through the 'lovely-pics' of my ex-female-classmates 10! times till the status bar starts showing.. "Waiting for reply...www.orkut.com found!! " PHEWW!!
Rest of the seemingly interesting words should be vieled till tommorow..don't forget to check them out!!
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